S80 Series Remote Handwheel

August 29, 2023


Applicable Machines

S80 Series: S85A, S86A

Relevant Parts
  • 7344: Surfacer Handwheel Kit, for fine movement control including:
    • Remote Handwheel with Wiring
    • USB stick with Updated Software Version
    • Wiring Diagram for Installation
    • Software Installation Instructions


Rottler Manufacturing has created an exciting option to include a physical control for fine movement for the S80 series surfacer. The Remote Handwheel Kit provides tactile feedback to the operator while performing precise movements with the machine. This device can aid the operator by improving accuracy and reducing setup time during work piece setups.

Figure 1: S85A Machine and Remote Handwheel

Figure 1: S85A Machine and Remote Handwheel


Installation if Retrofitting:

Follow the instructions in the installation addendum provided with the Remote Handwheel Kit. Once the software is installed, power down the machine and restart. The new software should automatically start on boot.

With the software initialized, navigate to the machine settings page by selecting the settings button in the top right corner of the main screen.

Machine Settings Page:

In the Machine Settings page, you can find the option to activate/deactivate the handwheel.

Figure 2: Machine Settings Screen

Figure 2: Machine Settings Screen

By pressing the Handwheel/Touch button, you can switch between using the handwheel or the standard increment touch buttons for fine movement control. The button will display whichever control option is currently active. That is, the button will read “Handwheel” if the handwheel is the current fine control or the button will read “Touch Buttons” if the touch buttons are the current fine control.

Figure 3: Handwheel and Touch Buttons control selector buttons

Figure 3: Handwheel and Touch Buttons control selector buttons

Program Page:

With the handwheel option selected, any program pages should look like Figure 5 below: The Handwheel increment selections are found as gray buttons next to the standard jog sliders.

Figure 5: Program screen

Figure 5: Program screen

Simply press the button with the increment and axis you desire, and each click of the handwheel will be associated with that distance and direction. When selected, the current increment button will turn RED. At that point the handwheel will be active at the selected increment ratio.

Process for Touching off Cutter, Setting Dial Indicator and Programming with Handwheel:

The handwheel should be used for fine movements and precise adjustment. Rapid movement should always be handled with the slide controls for quicker setup times.

An example step-by-step setup using the handwheel is described below:

  1. Fixture and level the head or block as described in the S85A/S86A Operations Manual. Place a cutting insert in the flycutter. Enter the cutting parameters (speeds, feeds, and depths) for the application.
  2. Using the horizontal slider control, rapid the column in the -X direction (left) until the flycutter is to the right of the head/block.
  3. Using the vertical slider control, rapid the column in the -Z direction (down) until the fly cutter is approximately .250-.500” above the head/block. Note: leave more than enough room to avoid accidentally crashing into the head/block or fixture.
  4. Using the handwheel control, select the relevant X-axis handwheel interval amount, and fine tune the X-position of the cutterhead so that the cutting insert is positioned above the workpiece.
  5. Select the Z-axis .010” handwheel increment. Using the handwheel one-click at a time, bring the insert down near the block until it is approximately .010-.020” above the workpiece surface.
  6. Select the Z-axis .001” handwheel increment. Turn the spindle on by pressing the “Start Spindle” Button. Using the handwheel one-click at a time, bring the insert down until it just contacts the workpiece surface. With the insert in contact, press the “Feed Right” button to move the cutter right and off the workpiece. A small section of the workpiece will be machined.
  7. Use the X-axis handwheel once again to position the shroud attached dial indicator plunger over and in contact with the now machined surface. Set the Indicator read out to properly read
    “0” when in contact with this machined surface.
  8. With the indicator over the workpiece press “Set Zero” for the Horizontal Program Position
  9. Press “Set Zero” for the Vertical Program Position
  10. Move the machine up around .500” for clearance above the workpiece using either the vertical slider or the Z-Axis Handwheel increments.
  11. Using the horizontal slider control, jog to the left-end of the workpiece to where the cutting insert completely clears the workpiece left end. Press the “Set” button next to the Cut Length /Depth Horizontal readout to set the length of the workpiece.
  12. Pressing and Holding “Cycle Start” will move the cutter back into the start cutting position, pressing once more will begin the auto cycle.

For additional information regarding the new Honing Measurement software on Rottler hones, please contact Ryan Thompson or Nick Jenkins via the emails listed below.

  • Ryan Thompson, Lead Applications Engineer, Tel: +1 (206) 707-2458
  • Nick Jenkins, Applications Engineer, Tel: +1 (206) 406-1880
Published On: August 29, 2023Categories: Application BulletinsTags: , ,
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